
“Took it too far”: RHONY fans slam Brynn Whitfield for flirting with Erin Lichy’s husband at their anniversary party in season 14

“Took it too far”: RHONY fans slam Brynn Whitfield for flirting with Erin Lichy’s husband at their anniversary party in season 14 - networth, wiki, biography
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Real Housewives of New York (RHONY) season 14 aired a brand new episode on Sunday, August 20, 2023. In the latest episode, the cast gets ready to attend Erin and Abraham Lichy’s 10-year-anniversary party, where the couple renowned their vows.

While at the grand event, Erin was busy tending to her guests, which left the rest of the cast to fend for themselves. Unhappy and bored with the party, they start making fun of the celebrations. However, that wasn’t it, as Brynn Whitfield, who is known for her flirtatious behavior, joked with the man of the hour, Abraham or Abe, about giving her a call if he were to ever divorce Erin.

Fans took to social media to slam Brynn Whitfield for her comments and noted that she took it too far, considering that she also made comments about flirting with Erin’s brother.

RHONY season 14 fans are unhappy with Brynn flirting with Abe in episode 6

In the latest episode of the Real Housewives of New York (RHONY) season 14, Erin and Abe threw a grand event in honor of being married for 10 years. Ahead of the event, Jessel Tank and Brynn Whitfield went shopping, where they discussed Erin’s invitation, which was a sponsored event.

Brynn noted that it had so many brands that she had never heard of and that it looked like a poster for Coachella. Although Ubah Hassan couldn’t attend the party since she had Covid, the others were all there.

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However, they weren’t all having fun. Brynn noted that she was bored, and she and Jessel repeatedly made fun of the speeches while Sai cribbed about the lack of food.

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While greeting everyone, Abe came to meet the RHONY cast when Brynn made flirtatious comments towards him. She asked him if 10 years together is when couples get a divorce, and he jokingly deflected by saying it’s “20 years.” She told her to call her when he gets a divorce and told him to be careful when he says his vows

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“Don’t say, I, Abe take Brynn”

Erin will be made aware of the comments in the next episode, as the preview suggests, but fans saw it and were unhappy with the way she acted. They took to X (formerly known as Twitter) to slam the RHONY season 14 cast member for flirting with her husband.

What to expect from next week’s episode?

Real Housewives of New York (RHONY) season 14 will return next week with another explosive episode on Sunday, August 27, at 9 pm ET on Bravo. The episode will pick back up at Erin’s party as she discovers that Sai De Silva has left the building without saying bye.

In a confessional, she notes that she’s acting the same way Jenna did during their trip to The Hamptons when she left Erin’s house without saying goodbye.

During the segment, Abe will tell Erin about Brynn’s behavior, leading to a confrontation between the two. Erin asks Brynn whether she thinks it’s okay for her to make such “jokes” about divorce while at someone’s anniversary party. Brynn defensively tells her that to not insinuate that she was flirting with a married man because things will get bad.

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Tune in next Sunday at 9 pm ET to watch the next episode of RHONY on Bravo.

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Edited by Sakshi Tripathi

Categories: Trending

Links: “Took it too far”: RHONY fans slam Brynn Whitfield for flirting with Erin Lichy’s husband at their anniversary party in season 14 – Tekmonk Bio, “Took it too far”: RHONY fans slam Brynn Whitfield for flirting with Erin Lichy’s husband at their anniversary party in season 14 – Kungfutv, “Took it too far”: RHONY fans slam Brynn Whitfield for flirting with Erin Lichy’s husband at their anniversary party in season 14 – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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