
UEFA launch investigation into uitfans Ajax, after the ofcial end of Getafe

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The union has launched an investigation as a result of the behaviour of the supporters from Ajax, on Thursday, during the Europa League match against Getafe. Fa

The union has launched an investigation as a result of the behaviour of the supporters from Ajax, on Thursday, during the Europa League match against Getafe. Fans bekogelden scorer Deyverson and after the openingsgoal.

Ajax, reported on Tuesday that it has been informed by the European football association, about the study. The club has six days to respond to the allegations that have been made. On the 26th of march, there will be a punishment to be decided.

On a visit to Barcelona to hit the fire when Deyverson is short for the rest of the score is opened up. In the Former, it was during the celebration of his goal, got hit by a box thrown object, probably a lighter.

The Former went up dramatically to the ground when he felt that he had been touched, when in the game for a few minutes interrupted. In addition, the throwing of the objects were, according to the post and also the seat in the box, was destroyed.

as For Ajax, there was a suspended sentence of one to duel without the fans, after the earlier incidents in the season. On a visit to Valencia in the Champions League and the remainder of supporters of outright destruction taking place.

The match between Barcelona and Ajax ended 2-0. The Locals have a memory in the line as the Dutch soccer legend Johan Cruyff, ArenA, a big victory is needed to achieve the eighth-finals of the Europa League, away.

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Date Of Update: 25 February 2020, 18:00

Categories: Optical Illusion

Links: UEFA launch investigation into uitfans Ajax, after the ofcial end of Getafe – Tekmonk Bio, UEFA launch investigation into uitfans Ajax, after the ofcial end of Getafe – Kungfutv, UEFA launch investigation into uitfans Ajax, after the ofcial end of Getafe – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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