
Ukraine Independence Day 2023: Google Doodle Celebrating 32nd Anniversary of the Independence Day of Ukraine

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Ukraine Independence Day 2023: Ukraine celebrates its Independence Day on August 24 every year as a state holiday. The day commemorates the Declaration of Independence of 1991. Google is celebrating the 32nd Independence Day of Ukraine with a special doodle. 

Source: Google Doodle

Google says, “After the fall of the Soviet Union, the Ukrainian people voted 92% in favour of independence in a referendum for the Act of Declaration of Independence in December 1991. Since then, Ukraine has continued to build up a democratic state that values freedom and integrity. The nation has also made several notable global contributions to space exploration, medicine, art, music, technology, and more.”

Who illustrated the Ukraine Independence Day Doodle?

Kyiv-based Polina Doroshenko illustrated a special Ukraine Independence Day doodle. She said, “This national holiday honours the indomitable spirit of the Ukrainian people, and remembers all who’ve given their lives for their country including those still fighting now. On this day in 1991, Ukraine gained its independence and joined the world stage as a sovereign nation.”

While talking about the inspiration for the fabulous doodle she said, “ Ukraine’s blue-and-yellow national flag, like the colours represented in today’s artwork, symbolizes the open sky above its endless wheat fields seen throughout the country. Beyond that, it also represents the people’s unbreakable spirit, devotion to the land, and love for freedom. The Doodle artwork depicts a parade representing all Ukrainians showing their pride and confidence, moving into the future. This year’s Independence Day holds particular significance as the country continues its struggle against the ongoing Russian invasion.”

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The first holiday holiday for Ukraine Independence Day was observed on July 16, 1991, the first anniversary of the Verkhovna Rada (Ukraine’s parliament) passing the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Ukraine in 1990. The holiday was modified since the Declaration of Independence was adopted on August 24, 1991, and was ratified on December 1, 1991, in a vote. Since then, the big day has been celebrated with a military parade in the capital city, Kyiv.

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Ukraine’s independence, a military parade was staged in 2021. However, there hasn’t been a military parade since 2022 because of Russia’s invasion. Ukraine is all prepared to celebrate the 32nd Independence anniversary with ruined Russian tanks and other military vehicles.

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Categories: Optical Illusion

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Links: Ukraine Independence Day 2023: Google Doodle Celebrating 32nd Anniversary of the Independence Day of Ukraine – Tekmonk Bio, Ukraine Independence Day 2023: Google Doodle Celebrating 32nd Anniversary of the Independence Day of Ukraine – Kungfutv, Ukraine Independence Day 2023: Google Doodle Celebrating 32nd Anniversary of the Independence Day of Ukraine – Blogtomoney

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