
UP NEET UG 2023 counselling round 2 dates revised, check new schedule here

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UP NEET UG 2023 counselling round 2 dates revised

UP NEET UG Counselling 2023: Directorate General of Medical Education and Training has revised the choice filling, locking and seat allotment dates of UP NEET counselling for admission to MBBS/BDS courses. As per the revised dates, the choice filling and locking process will now start on August 23, 2023. Earlier, the choice filling and locking window was scheduled to start from today: August 21, 2023. 

The UP NEET UG seat allotment result 2023 for undergraduate (UG) programmes will be declared on August 28 on the official website: The UP NEET UG counselling 2023 is held for admission to government, private, dental, and medical, Institutions and Universities for MBBS/BDS. 

UP MBBS/BDS Counselling Dates 2023 for Round 2 

Candidates can check the table to know the revised round 2 Uttar Pradesh NEET UG counselling dates: 



UP NEET choice filling and locking 

August 23, 2023

Last date to fill choices and lock

August 26, 2023

UP NEET UG seat allotment result 

August 28, 2023

Downloading of seat allotment order

August 29 to September 4, 2023

Commencement of academic session 

September 1, 2023 

How to fill UP NEET UG choices for round 2?

Based on the choices filled, the UP NEET UG seat allotment result will be released on August 28, 2023. Candidates can follow these steps to fill the choice filling and locking process of UP NEET counselling 2023:

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Step 1: Go to the official website:

Step 2: On the homepage, click on the registration UG (MBBS/BDS) link 

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Step 3: Login using the credentials to fill the application form

Step 4: Choose preferred colleges and lock it

Step 5: Download the application form for future reference

UP MBBS/BDS Seat Allotment Result 2023 

Based on the choices filled by the aspirants during UP NEET UG counselling, rank, seats available, reservation, and other factors, the authority will conduct the seat allotment. Candidates who will be allotted seats will be required to report to the allotted college before the stipulated time period along with the required documents. 

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Also Read: Maharashtra NEET UG Counselling 2023 Schedule for CAP Round 2 and 3 Released, Check Dates Here

Register for Result Updates

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Links: UP NEET UG 2023 counselling round 2 dates revised, check new schedule here – Tekmonk Bio, UP NEET UG 2023 counselling round 2 dates revised, check new schedule here – Kungfutv, UP NEET UG 2023 counselling round 2 dates revised, check new schedule here – Blogtomoney

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