
Verstappen arrives, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday morning in the action for the first testweek

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Max Verstappen will on Wednesday take an immediate action on the first day of testweek is in Barcelona, so on Tuesday, be known. This means that the Dutch used

Max Verstappen will on Wednesday take an immediate action on the first day of testweek is in Barcelona, so on Tuesday, be known. This means that the Dutch used the Red Bull Racing’s new car, the first should be to try it out.

the Stumbling appears to be Wednesday between 9: 00 to 18: 00 hours on the job, with a break from 13: 00 to 14: 00. His team-mate Alexander Albon will take the honours, where, and on Friday, the two race drivers of the time available to distribute.

Friday morning, drive to the 22-year-old Verstappen laps in his Red Bull, and in the afternoon it was the turn of the one-year-old Albon. The Thai people took place in August 2019 at the latest, the chair in the Austrian team after the Frenchman Pierre Gasly.

Next week we’ll be there again on Wednesday, and on Friday and tested on the Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya, where the drivers prepare for the first Grand Prix of the season (15th of march in Australia).

The schedule of those test days, it is not yet known. Last year, we had the first of two testweken from Monday to Friday, which means that the teams now have two days less for the new car and put it to the test.

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Date Of Update: 18 February 2020, 12:00

Categories: Optical Illusion

Links: Verstappen arrives, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday morning in the action for the first testweek – Tekmonk Bio, Verstappen arrives, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday morning in the action for the first testweek – Kungfutv, Verstappen arrives, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday morning in the action for the first testweek – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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