
Victory Gbakara Biography, Wikipedia, State of Origin, Nigerian Idol Season 8 Winner

Victory Gbakara Biography, Wikipedia, State of Origin, Nigerian Idol Season 8 Winner - networth, wiki, biography
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Victory Gbakara Biography, Wikipedia, State of Origin, Nigerian Idol Season 8 Winner

Victory Gbakara Biography, Wikipedia, State of Origin, Nigerian Idol Season 8 Winner – Victory Gbakara is a well-known musician, lawyer, singer, songwriter, and public figure. He is recognised for his singing. He is currently popular. Victory was conceived in 1997. In Nigeria’s Delta State, Victory was born. Additionally, he is of Nigerian descent. As of 2023, he is 26 years old. Victory’s birthday, as well as the sign of his zodiac, are unknown.

Victory Gbakara Biography, Wikipedia, State of Origin, Nigerian Idol Season 8 Winner

Victory Gbakara Bio

NameVictory Gbakara
Age26 Years Old
Date Of Birth1997
ProfessionSinger, Songwriter
BirthplaceDelta State, Nigeria
HometownDelta State, Nigeria

Victory Gbakara Biography, Wikipedia, State of Origin, Nigerian Idol Season 8 Winner

Victory Gbakara Measurement

Height5 feet 9 inch
Weight70 kg
Eye ColourBlack
Hair ColourBlack

Victory Gbakara Biography, Wikipedia, State of Origin, Nigerian Idol Season 8 Winner

Victory Gbakara Educational Qualifications

SchoolNot Known
College or UniversityBenson Idahosa University
Educational DegreeGraduated

Victory Gbakara Biography, Wikipedia, State of Origin, Nigerian Idol Season 8 Winner

Victory Gbakara Family

FatherNot Known
MotherNot Known
Brother / SisterNot Known
ChildrenSon: Not KnownDaughter: Not Known

Victory Gbakara Biography, Wikipedia, State of Origin, Nigerian Idol Season 8 Winner

Victory Gbakara Marital Status

Marital StatusUnmarried
Spouse NameNot Known
AffairsNot Known

Victory Gbakara Biography, Wikipedia, State of Origin, Nigerian Idol Season 8 Winner

Victory Gbakara Net Worth

Net Worth In Dollars200k USD
SalaryNot Known

Victory Gbakara Biography, Wikipedia, State of Origin, Nigerian Idol Season 8 Winner

Victory Gbakara Social Media Accounts

Victory Gbakara Biography, Wikipedia, State of Origin, Nigerian Idol Season 8 Winner

Victory Gbakara News

Victory Gbakara, a sonorous singer, won the just finished Nigerian Idol music competition. Gbakara, the most recent contest winner, receives a N100 million award.

The localised version of the Idol series is the music competition known as Nigerian Idol. The nation now has two Idol franchises, as it previously had Idols West Africa, which was also filmed and produced in Stockholm, Sweden.

In 2010, the year the nation celebrated its 50th birthday, the television programme Live Your Dream premiered. All Nigerians between the ages of 18 and 28 were eligible to apply. In October 2010, the first season premiered, and it is currently being shown on 15 different networks around Africa.

The winner of this season’s competition, Gbakara, will get an N100 million grand prize, N35 million of which would be in cash. A music record deal and a video shoot are also included in his victory.

On Sunday night’s show finale, all of the participants and the judges gave collective performances. The chorus of the 2014 song “Hall of Fame” by the Star of Copenhagen, Switzerland, was led by D’banj, Simi, and Obi Asika.

IK Osakioduwa served as host for the 2023 episode, which debuted in April. The live show ran from April 23 to July 16 for ten weeks.

Categories: Biography

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Links: Victory Gbakara Biography, Wikipedia, State of Origin, Nigerian Idol Season 8 Winner – Tekmonk Bio, Victory Gbakara Biography, Wikipedia, State of Origin, Nigerian Idol Season 8 Winner – Kungfutv, Victory Gbakara Biography, Wikipedia, State of Origin, Nigerian Idol Season 8 Winner – Blogtomoney

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Written by mybio

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