
VPR’s Raquel Leviss says she was “exploited” by BravoTV over Scandoval drama 2023

VPR’s Raquel Leviss says she was “exploited” by BravoTV over Scandoval drama 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about VPR’s Raquel Leviss says she was “exploited” by BravoTV over Scandoval drama. Please like and share if You are interested!

Vanderpump Rules star Raquel Leviss finally spoke out about the VPR Season 10 drama with RHONY’s Bethenny Frankel, saying she feels “exploited” by BravoTV.

Raquel Leviss, who publicly changed her first name to Rachel, has finally broken her silence on the drama that unfolded on Season 10 of VPR.

Though she made a statement on Instagram in March after the Scandoval was revealed, Leviss has since confronted her affair with Ariana Madix’s boyfriend of 10 years on RHONY’s Bethenny Frankel’s podcast, ‘Just B with Bethenny Frankel.’

Leviss, who sought help from a mental health rehabilitation center in Arizona for the past couple of months, also hasn’t filmed for Season 11 with her cast mates – leaving fans to question whether or not she will make a return to the BravoTV show.

Instagram: bravohousewivesVPR’s Raquel Leviss opened up to RHONY’s Bethenny Frankel about her Season 10 drama.

Raquel Leviss claims she hasn’t received “a single penny” from VPR scandal

Leviss covered a multitude of Scandoval angles in her first sit-down interview since VPR’s Season 10 reunion, where the affair between Leviss and Tom Sandoval was revealed in detail.

Leviss, who faced backlash from fans and cast mates for lying to her VPR ‘friends’ about her relationship with Sandoval, broke down in tears while speaking with Frankel as she recounted the criticism she received from the affair.

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As Frankel read out loud the harsh words that Madix called Leviss, like “diabolical,” “demented,” and “subhuman,” Leviss buried her head into her chest. Frankel even went as far as saying to the VPR star that she would have “killed” anyone who called her the names that Madix called Leviss.

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The two Bravolebrities even touched on the fact that Leviss hasn’t received any compensation for the scandal, yet BravoTV has profited from it, saying, “The network is running to the bank — like, laughing — running to the bank with the scandal, and I haven’t seen a single penny.”

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Leviss even went as far as stating she was “exploited” by BravoTV, saying, “It’s not fair, and I feel like a toddler saying, ‘It’s not fair!’ But it really isn’t.” 

She continued, “And I feel like I’ve been portrayed as the ultimate villain. My mistakes that I’ve made on camera live on forever.”

Though it’s unknown if Leviss will ever make a return to VPR, a source close to the reality TV star did tell Page Six that Leviss will be playing “hardball” to “get as much money” as she can from BravoTV, as her scandal caused the show to reach ratings that they had never seen before.

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

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