
What is Megyn Kelly Doing Now In 2023?

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What is Megyn Kelly Doing Now In 2023? is trending online. Find out What is renowned media personality is Doing now and what she said about Tucker Carlson’s exit from Fox News.

Who Is Megyn Kelly?

Megyn Kelly is a well-known journalist of American origin. The native of Illinois works for Sirius XM and hosts a talk program and podcast. Kelly recently made news when she discussed Tucker Carlson’s departure from Fox News and Don Lemon’s departure from CNN.

On SiriusXM’s Megyn Kelly Show on Monday, the 52-year-old suggested Fox News made a mistake by parting ways with Tucker. “It’s fantastic for Carlson,” she continued.

Megyn Kelly now

What is Megyn Kelly Doing Now In 2023?

She retired from Fox News after thirteen years in January 2017. Between 2004 to 2017, the Illinois-born host served as a talk show host for Fox News. There appears to have been some confusion. Megyn Kelly, an experienced media personality, left Fox News in January 2017. (Image courtesy of CNN)

Kelly has made headlines because she remarked about Tucker Carlson’s departure from the network, not because she has left the network. Megyn expected Tucker would launch a podcast or internet show and crushes it while stating cable news made a huge mistake.

Furthermore, the well-known television personality hosted a popular 9 p.m. show on the network. She moved to NBC instead of having her contract renewed. She held a morning chat show on weekdays and a Sunday night program on cable news. Kelly has been plagued by low ratings and controversy, including her remark about blackface during a show in October 2018. The well-known journalist left NBC in January 2019 for an estimated $69 million settlement.

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Kelly, as previously stated, now hosts a SiriusXM podcast and radio show. Kelly, like O’Reilly, was helped by Red Seat Ventures in her transition to digital media.

Why did Megyn Kelly Left Fox News?

Megyn Kelly disclosed her reason for quitting Fox News during an interview on The Ellen Show in September 2017. The well-known television personality stated that she left popular cable news due to Donald Trump and the snake hole that is primetime news.

Kelly claimed the former US president has a way of clarifying one’s life choices, despite the fact that she had never been involved in politics before joining the network’s primetime position. Megyn Kelly departed Fox News due to her disagreement with former President Donald Trump and the snake-pit character of the primetime slot.
The Illinois native revealed that she wasn’t sure if she wanted to be in primetime. “Universe came and shone a light,” the presenter explained, adding, “It became clear to me what I wanted to do.”

The former Fox News staffer went on to say that when she arrived at the network’s primetime, Bill O’Reilly told her it was a snake pit. “That’s how I felt, and I did not want to be in the snake pit; all I wanted to do was report the news,” the presenter remarked.

Categories: Entertaintment

Links: What is Megyn Kelly Doing Now In 2023? – Tekmonk Bio, What is Megyn Kelly Doing Now In 2023? – Kungfutv, What is Megyn Kelly Doing Now In 2023? – Blogtomoney

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