
When is your phone getting Android 6.0 Marshmallow?

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Android 6.0 Marshmallow may not be the newest version of Android — that honor goes to Android 7.0 Nougat. But it’s not exactly been put out to pasture. Some smartphone makers have yet to decide which models of they’ll upgrade to Google’s latest newest mobile operating system … and which they won’t. There are bound to be smartphone casualties, but rest assured that most of the big-name devices will get — or have already gotten — the update.

Let’s dig through it all and find out whether Marshmallow will make it to your smartphone or tablet.

Updated on 11-13-2016 by Kyle Wiggers: Updated information for various devices from Google, LG, Sony, Huawei, and Samsung.

Google, Motorola, Asus, and HTC devices, BlackBerry

We’ll update this post regularly with new Android 6.0-compatible devices as announcement are made. Where possible, we’ve linked to the relevant carrier and manufacturer support pages.

You can also check out our numerous guides on Android 6.0 Marshmallow, which are listed below:

Google Nexus and Play Edition devices

When Google debuted the Nexus 5X and Nexus 6P, both of which shipped with the newest version of Marshmallow, Android 6.0.1, pre-installed, the search giant said that select Nexus smartphones, tablets, and set-top boxes would receive an update to Android 7.0 Nougat. It’s available now for the following devices:

Google’s made the update available for download on the devices’ factory image page.

Unfortunately, neither Marshmallow nor Nougat will not make its way to the Nexus 4, the 2014 Nexus 7, or the Nexus 10. As such, if you’re the proud owner of any of those three devices and want some bleeding-edge Android goodness, you’ll have to turn to the rooting community and get your hands dirty… or consider trading up to a newer model.

There’s no word on whether all Google Play Edition (GPE) devices, among them the Moto G GPE, and the Samsung Galaxy S4 GPE, will receive the Marshmallow update. But some recently have. HTC’s M8 GPE received an upgrade earlier this year, in March.


Motorola is also known for its timely updates in recent years, so it’s not surprising to learn that the company brought Marshmallow to a swath of devices relatively soon after the operating system’s finalization. They included:

Some updates have been —  and still are — restricted by region. Only 2014 Moto X and 2015 Moto E models sold in Latin America, Canada, Europe, and Asia have received an upgrade to Marshmallow.

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Motorola’s transition to Marshmallow is a little more involved most. Upgraded phones lose Moto Assist, the phone maker’s suite of accessibility tools, and Motorola Migrate, its data backup tool. And Motorola retired Motorola Connect for Chrome, a browser extension that forwarded SMS messages to your PC’s web browser.


When is your phone getting Android 6.0 Marshmallow? 1When is your phone getting Android 6.0 Marshmallow? 2Jessica Lee Star/Digital Trends

In November 2015, Asus posted a list of smartphones that would make the jump to Marshmallow to its ZenTalk community message board. That list included:

Oddly, mum’s the word on the status of the company’s Padfone S. Asus previously announced that it’d roll out new firmware in the second quarter of this year, but that window came and went.

We’ve reached out to the company for comment.


In accordance with its 90-day update guarantee, HTC promised to upgrade a bevy of devices to Marshmallow. The devices it’s committed to upgrading include:

  • One M9
  • One M8
  • One M8 Google Play Edition
  • One M9+
  • One E9
  • One E9+
  • One E8
  • One ME
  • One M8 EYE
  • Butterfly 2
  • Butterfly 3
  • Desire 826
  • Desire 820
  • Desire 816

The One Mini, One Mini 2, and One M7 are among the phones that won’t be receiving Marshmallow — HTC said they “fall outside [the] lifecycle window for updates.”

Samsung, LG, Huawei, BlackBerry, Sony, OnePlus, and Lenovo devices


Sony has stepped up its Android upgrade game over the past several years, and Marshmallow is no exception. In all, the Japan-based electronics maker is in the process of updating a whopping 14 devices — a mix of phones, tablets, and phablets, some of which date back to as early as March 2014. They list includes:

Among the Sony devices that won’t be receiving upgrades are the Xperia Z1, Xperia Z1 Compact, Xperia Z Ultra, and Xperia Z.


Samsung announced a broad rollout of Marshmallow firmware in February of this year. The company declined to confirm which devices would receive the upgrade, but SamMobile managed to obtain an internal, preliminary list of eligible handsets. It includes:

  • Galaxy S6 Edge Plus
  • Galaxy S6 Edge
  • Galaxy S6
  • Galaxy S5 LTE-A
  • Galaxy S5 Neo
  • Galaxy S5
  • Galaxy Note Edge
  • Galaxy Note 5
  • Galaxy Note 4
  • Galaxy Alpha
  • Galaxy Tab A
  • Galaxy A8
  • Galaxy A7
  • Galaxy A5
  • Galaxy A3
  • Galaxy E7
  • Galaxy E5

Samsung’s Marshmallow firmware ships with a new version of  TouchWiz, the smartphone maker’s proprietary overlay atop Android, and new features.

One addition is Samsung Internet 4.0, which sports a new “secret mode” that locks browsing history and bookmarks behind a passcode and fingerprint. When used in conjunction with Samsung’s Gear VR, it supports web browsing in virtual reality.

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The Galaxy S6 Edge and S6 Edge Plus updates come with unique improvements all their own.

The edge panel, a swipe-in window that inhabits the outer rims of phones’ curved displays, has been slightly enlarged. It now fits twice as many apps (up to 10) as before.

The People Edge tool, a floating widget that provides quick access to your top five contacts, has been updated to include contact names as well as pictures. The upgraded Task Edge tool surfaces shortcuts to commonly used functions like editing a contact, composing a text message, and adding a new alarm. And a new Quick Tools menu contains utilities like a ruler, compass, and flashlight.

That’s not all that’s been tweaked. The Edge Handle, the fixed tab that opens the edge panel, can now be customized to your heart’s desire — you can adjust its placement, size, and transparency in the settings menu.


When is your phone getting Android 6.0 Marshmallow? 3When is your phone getting Android 6.0 Marshmallow? 4Jessica Lee Star/Digital Trends

When is your phone getting Android 6.0 Marshmallow? 5When is your phone getting Android 6.0 Marshmallow? 6LG G3

When is your phone getting Android 6.0 Marshmallow? 7When is your phone getting Android 6.0 Marshmallow? 8LG G2

When is your phone getting Android 6.0 Marshmallow? 9When is your phone getting Android 6.0 Marshmallow? 10

The majority of LG’s recent Android devices have been upgraded to Marshmallow. They include:

  • LG V10
  • G4
  • LG G4 Stylo
  • LG G Flex2
  • G3

LG, like Motorola and Samsung, has baked a few additional improvements into its Marshmallow firmware. An improved Knock Code setting requires at least six taps and three different quarters.

And the company’s made user interface improvements, too. The auto-brightness screen will now adjust according to ambient conditions. The app settings screen has been simplified. And LG’s Qmemo and LG Bridge features have been renamed Capture+ and LG AirDrive, respectively.


Chinese phone maker Huawei announced its Marshmallow roadmap last year, and of its handsets were passed over. The devices it’s committed to upgrading include:

  • Huawei P8
  • P8 Lite
  • P8 Youth Edition
  • P8 Max
  • G8 (Maimang 4)
  • Mate 7
  • Mate S
  • Ascend Mate7
  • Ascend P7
  • Ascend G7
  • G7 Plus
  • Honor 7
  • Honor 7i
  • Honor 6
  • Honor 6 Plus
  • Honor 4C
  • Honor 4X
  • X2
  • Play 4C
  • MeidaPad X2


When is your phone getting Android 6.0 Marshmallow? 11When is your phone getting Android 6.0 Marshmallow? 12BlackBerry Priv Ted Kritsonis/Digital Trends

When is your phone getting Android 6.0 Marshmallow? 13When is your phone getting Android 6.0 Marshmallow? 14Ted Kritsonis/Digital Trends

When is your phone getting Android 6.0 Marshmallow? 15When is your phone getting Android 6.0 Marshmallow? 16Ted Kritsonis/Digital Trends

When is your phone getting Android 6.0 Marshmallow? 17When is your phone getting Android 6.0 Marshmallow? 18Ted Kritsonis/Digital Trends

After months of beta testing, BlackBerry has finally begun updating its sole flagship Android phone, the Priv, to Marshmallow. It appears the wait was worth it: in tow with the update are not performance improvements and bug fixes, but an abundance of new features, too.

Several involve privacy and security. Marshmallow introduces the ability to toggle an app’s ability to access personal data permissions, and new notification controls show which apps have requested access to particular sensors and when an active phone call has been muted. Support for S/MIME delivers encrypted email, and media card encryption support secures your SD Card away from prying eyes.

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In the user interface department, an enhanced keyboard app includes over 200 new and updated emojis and new keyboard gestures and better cursor control. Enhanced word prediction learns the numbers and names from your contacts, and anticipates your next word based on your finger position.

New apps join BlackBerry Hub, BlackBerry’s eponymous social media aggregation app, in Marshmallow. Now, messages from Skype, Slack, and Pinterest appear inline. And the BlackBerry Launcher’s gotten a fresh coat of paint: you can set a default home screen, delete a home screen, and remove apps more easily.

Finally, the update improves the capability of the Priv’s camera. On Marshmallow, it can record videos at 24fps, 4k, 1080p, or 720p; and it can capture slow-motion video at 120fps or 30fps.


When is your phone getting Android 6.0 Marshmallow? 19When is your phone getting Android 6.0 Marshmallow? 20OnePlus 3 Andy Boxall/Digital Trends

OnePlus announced a Marshmallow update timeframe in November. The list of supported devices includes:

  • OnePlus One
  • OnePlus 2
  • OnePlus 3
  • OnePlus X

The OnePlus 3 shipped running Marshmallow. It’ll be updated to Nougat this month, first as a beta, ahead of a broader public release before the end of this year.

OnePlus’s personal touches in the Marshmallow update include unspecified enhancements to Shelf UI, the home screen launcher. New settings menus are in tow, plus two new applications: OnePlus Music Player and OnePlus Gallery.

OnePlus’s Marshmallow firmware is a little less straightforward than most. The OnePlus One received an update to Cyanogen OS 13 — the custom overlay with which it originally shipped — in Q1 2016, with a second, optional update that followed. OnePlus made available a “semi-official” build of Oxygen OS, the company’s new skin atop Android Marshmallow.

The OnePlus 2, meanwhile, received an upgrade to the Marshmallow-based Oxygen OS. It’ll be updated to Nougat in the coming months, the company said.


When is your phone getting Android 6.0 Marshmallow? 21When is your phone getting Android 6.0 Marshmallow? 22Lenovo Vibe P1

When is your phone getting Android 6.0 Marshmallow? 23When is your phone getting Android 6.0 Marshmallow? 24

Lenovo announced its Marshmallow upgrade schedule at a company event in China last year. Here’s the list of devices set to receive an update:

  • K3 Note
  • X3
  • P1
  • X3
  • A7000
  • A7000+
  • P1
  • Vibe S1

Lenovo completed its rollout of Marshmallow updates in July.

That’s all the Android 6.0 update news we have for now, but we’ll keep updating this post regularly, so check back soon. You can also check out our numerous guides on Android 6.0 Marshmallow, which are listed below:

Previous updates:

Updated on 01-21-2016 by Robert Nazarian: Updated information for various devices from HTC, LG, Motorola, and Samsung.

Updated on 12-18-2015 by Kyle Wiggers: Added news that Sprint’s LG G4 started getting an update to Marshmallow, as did the Moto X Style Pure Edition.

Updated on 12-14-2015 by Kyle Wiggers: Added Lenovo to the list and updated the Motorola section.

Editors’ Recommendations

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Links: When is your phone getting Android 6.0 Marshmallow? – Tekmonk Bio, When is your phone getting Android 6.0 Marshmallow? – Kungfutv, When is your phone getting Android 6.0 Marshmallow? – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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