Cazzie David is a famous American actress and playwright. She is best known as the daughter of Seinfeld creator Larry David, a well-known comedian, actor and writer. She is the creator, writer and star of the highly acclaimed online series Eighty-Sixed. She is the author of the collection of essays No one asked for this. Her book will be published in 2020.
Fast facts
A celebrated name | Cazzie David |
Age | 27 years |
date of birth | 1994-05-10 |
Profession | Actress |
Birth place | Los Angeles, California |
Nation of birth | United States |
Nationality | American |
Known for | Daughter of Larry David |
Father | Larry David |
Mother | Laurie David |
Religion | Jewish |
Sisters | Romy David |
Brothers and sisters | 1 |
Faculty / University | Emerson College |
Marriage status | Unmarried |
Boy | Pete Davidson (ex-boyfriend) |
Height | 1.68 m (5 ft 6 in) |
Weight | 121 lbs (55 kg) |
Netto value | 10 million dollars |
Biography of Cazzie David
Cazzie David was born on May 10, 1994. Her birthplace is the city of Los Angeles in the United States. She is a citizen of the United States. Her hometown is Los Angeles, California. Her zodiac sign is Taurus. Her parents are Larry David, her father, and Laurie David, her mother. Her only sibling is Romy David, her older sister. Her parents divorced in 2007. Ashley Underwood is her father’s wife. Her nationality is Caucasian and she practices Judaism.
She then attended Emerson College in Boston, Massachusetts, where she earned a Bachelor of Arts in Writing for Film and Television. She has always been interested in acting and writing and aspires to be a famous actress and writer in her profession.
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Cazzie David Height, Weight
Cazzie David is 1.68 meters (5 feet 6 inches) tall. She weighs about 121 pounds (55 kilograms). She has a slim figure. Her body is 33-25-34 inches long. She has bra size 33B. Her eyes are dark and her hair is black. Her sexual orientation is female and heterosexual.
- David appeared in one episode of the American comedy series ‘Hanna Montana’. She previously dated Pete Davidson, an American stand-up comedian.
- She is a stunning performer and meticulous writer. Her writing has a comic undertone. David is best known for the online series ‘Eighty-Sixed’ which he created.
- She played the lead female protagonist who was rejected in a series of short films. Her life continues as she begins to appreciate and experience life in a new and more enjoyable way.
- In 2019, David co-wrote the TV comedy ‘Half-Empty’ together with Elisa Kalani. The film shows a student with an excessively vivid imagination who gets involved in a series of disasters.
- David has also worked as a student on the series ‘CollegeHumor Original’ since 2006. ‘Stealing Pulp Fiction’, her comedy film, is now in post-production. Fans have high expectations from her.
- Despite the fact that most of her work has been made on a limited budget, such as ‘Eighty Six’, she has yet to win or even be considered for any awards for her project.
- Cazzie David net worth is predicted to be $10 million as of September 2022.
Achievements and awards
Despite her highly regarded work on low-budget productions like “Eighty-sixed,” she still hasn’t won or even been nominated for any of her projects, but with 265K followers on Instagram, people are definitely expecting great work from her in the future. .
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Cazzie David Net Worth in 2023
Cazzie David’s net worth is $10 million as of August 2023. She earns a lot of money from her numerous film and television appearances, writing ventures, and other commercial ventures. Cazzie followed in her father’s footsteps and sought a career in the entertainment industry. She is a well-known actress and writer in the entertainment industry. Because of her father’s notoriety, she managed to quickly enter show business. She has also participated in various television episodes, short films and magazines. Cazzie not only performs, but also writes in her works. He will also publish a collection of essays in 2020.
Cazzie Davids Boyfriend, Dating
Cazzie David is a single woman. She is now thought to be single. She might be secretly dating someone right now. All details about her personal life will be listed here.
Her ex-boyfriend was comedian and actor Pete Davidson. They were in a relationship for about two years. They started dating in 2016 and broke up in 2018. After that, Davidson started dating and then married Ariana Grande. Eventually they broke up.
Categories: Biography
Links: Who is Cazzie David? Wiki, Age, Height, Net Worth, Boyfriend, Ethnicity, Career – Tekmonk Bio, Who is Cazzie David? Wiki, Age, Height, Net Worth, Boyfriend, Ethnicity, Career – Kungfutv, Who is Cazzie David? Wiki, Age, Height, Net Worth, Boyfriend, Ethnicity, Career – Blogtomoney
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