
Who is Drew Drechsel? Wiki, Age, Height, Net Worth, Girlfriend, Ethnicity

Who is Drew Drechsel? Wiki, Age, Height, Net Worth, Girlfriend, Ethnicity - networth, wiki, biography
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Drew Drechsel is a 9-time American Ninja Warrior and eight-time Sasuke competitor. He owns a gym and trains people. Drew’s goal of becoming a real Ninja Warrior was achieved when he won $100,000 on the tenth season of Ninja Warrior. After the triumph, Drechel became the public face of the Warrior Champion.

Fast facts

A celebrated nameDrew Drechsel
Age32 years
NicknameNinja warrior
Birth nameDraw
date of birth1989-01-06
ProfessionTrainer in the gym
Nation of birthUnited States
Birth placeFlorida
Best known forAmerican Ninja Warrior winner
Netto value1 million USD
Salary72,000 dollars
Marriage statusOuts
A friendApril Beckner
Body typeAthletic
Height5 feet 9 inches (1.76 m)
Weight73 kg (161 lbs)

Biography of Drew Drechsel

Drew Drechsel was born on January 6, 1989 in the United States. His name is Drew Drechsel. He is an American citizen. Drechsel is Caucasian and was born under the sign of Capricorn. He was born in Coral Springs, Florida, and grew up in Fairfield, Connecticut.

He graduated from Darien High School in Connecticut. He then graduated from Quinnipiac University in Connecticut. He was interested in fitness from an early age and participated in various Real Life Ninja events in the United States. He has participated in several tournaments around the world, including American Ninja Warrior.

Drew Drechsel Height, Weight

Handsome guy Drew Drechsel has an athletic and well-groomed body. Drew, who is a Ninja Warrior and works as a gym trainer, has a muscular build. Drechsel is a tall guy, standing 5 feet 9 inches (1.76 m) tall and weighing around 73 kg (161 lbs). Drew has light brown hair, brown eyes, and fair skin. His dimpled smile adds to his beauty.

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  • Drew Drechsel’s professional career began with appearances in reality television series. He was a professional parkour performer and part of SASUKA 27.
  • Drew participated in SASUKE and made it to the third round. He sustained significant knee injuries, broke multiple bones and tore his right meniscus during his time at the event.
  • Drew rose to fame after starring in the television program American Ninja Warrior. He tried out in “American Ninja Warrior 3”, an American sports and entertainment competition, in 2011.
  • During his time on “American Ninja Warrior 4,” Drew began working at “Magic Imports of Gainesville.” Drew started doing parkour in 2004 when he was 15 years old.
  • Drew completed the qualifying course on the last season of American Ninja Warrior with the fastest time of the night.
  • He later became the owner and head instructor of his own gym, Real Life Ninja Academy. Alberti, the owner of New Era Gym, currently employs Drew as a program director.

Achievements and awards

Drew Drechsel earned a $1 million prize and the title of America’s Third Ninja Warrior in Season 11 after completing Phase 4. He was also the only contestant to make it all the way to Phase 4 that year, earning him the title of Last Ninja Standing.

Drew Drechsel Net Worth in 2023

Drew Drechsel’s net worth as of August 2023 is $1 million, and he earns around $20,000 every month, most of which he spends on maintaining his lavish lifestyle and continuous parkour training. Drew Drechsel is athletically built and in good shape; he has a large fan base and is well known for his appearance on the TV show American Ninja Warrior.

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Drew Drechsels girlfriend, dating

Drew Drechsel is currently engaged to April Beckner. April is also a Ninja Warrior. Drew and Drew met on the set of American Ninja Warrior in 2013 and have been dating since 2015.

The couple have been together for four years and have been candid about their personal lives, regularly posting photos of themselves on their social media pages. Drew’s girlfriend, April Beckner, posted a photo of him on Instagram after he won the Ninja Warrior Championship.

Categories: Biography

Links: Who is Drew Drechsel? Wiki, Age, Height, Net Worth, Girlfriend, Ethnicity – Tekmonk Bio, Who is Drew Drechsel? Wiki, Age, Height, Net Worth, Girlfriend, Ethnicity – Kungfutv, Who is Drew Drechsel? Wiki, Age, Height, Net Worth, Girlfriend, Ethnicity – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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