
Who is Gabs Lewitton? Wiki, Age, Height, Net Worth, Boyfriend, Ethnicity, Career

Who is Gabs Lewitton? Wiki, Age, Height, Net Worth, Boyfriend, Ethnicity, Career - networth, wiki, biography
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Gabs Lewitton is a social media personality and TikTok celebrity from Africa. She is most recognized for her incredible dance videos that went popular on social media platforms throughout the globe. She is one of South Africa’s most popular and youngest social media personalities. Since she began posting videos to her TikTok and Instagram accounts, she has been popular on other social media sites.

Quick Facts

NameGabs Lewitton
Net Worth$1 Million
Date of Birth20 September 2006
Age15 Years
Birth PlaceCape Town, South Africa
ProfessionSocial Media Celebrity and TikTok Star
HometownCape Town
Zodiac SignVirgo
SchoolLocal High School, Cape Town, South Africa
Height5 feet 1 inch
Weight 45 kg
Marital StatusUnmarried

Gabs Lewitton Biography

Gabs Lewitton, who was born on 20 September 2006, is 15 years old in 2023. She was born and raised in a well-established Cape Town, South Africa family. She is now continuing her education at a High School in Cape Town, South Africa.

Gabs Lewitton is a member of a well-established Cape Town, South Africa family. She is known to possess African citizenship and British-Irish ancestry. Her father, Mr. Lewitton, is employed by a private corporation, while her mother, Mrs. Lewitton, is a homemaker. Josh Lewitton is the name of her older brother. The marital status of Gabs Lewitton is unmarried. She is too young to marry, being just 14 years of age.

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Gabs Lewitton Height, Weight

Gabs Lewitton is a young, pretty girl with a charming and alluring attitude. She is 5 feet,1 inch tall, and weighs around 45 kg. She has lovely, long, dark brown hair and stunning, fascinating brown eyes. She has a well-proportioned physique with outstanding figure dimensions of roughly 28-24-28 inches.


  • Gabs Lewitton began her career as a prominent figure on social media. She began posting entertaining and engaging dancing and lip-syncing videos to her TikTok account.
  • She earned immense recognition and a large fan base in a short period of time. She entertains a large number of fans with her extraordinary dancing techniques and distinctive styles.
  • First, she uploaded movies while wearing hoodies to conceal her identity, and later she utilized anime face characters. These videos garnered her an enormous fan base, and her dancing talents were praised by her admirers and followers.
  • She then began sharing her dancing videos on Instagram and eventually YouTube. In addition to her social media career, she performed for prominent rappers such as Chance The Rapper and Thundercat.

Gabs Lewitton’s Net Worth in 2023

As of April 2023, Gabs Lewitton’s net worth is $1 million. She mainly earns through the number of followers and likes on her various social media accounts like Instagram and TikTok. She also earns through her YouTube channel and brand endorsements.

Gabs Lewittons Boyfriend, Dating

At the moment, She is not romantically involved with anyone. She is a single woman who is very focused on her career. Furthermore, She does not disclose her previous relationships or dating history in the public domain. She keeps her private life hidden from the paparazzi.

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Categories: Biography

Links: Who is Gabs Lewitton? Wiki, Age, Height, Net Worth, Boyfriend, Ethnicity, Career – Tekmonk Bio, Who is Gabs Lewitton? Wiki, Age, Height, Net Worth, Boyfriend, Ethnicity, Career – Kungfutv, Who is Gabs Lewitton? Wiki, Age, Height, Net Worth, Boyfriend, Ethnicity, Career – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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