
Who is Scooter Braun? All about Justin Beiber’s longtime manager amidst split rumors

Who is Scooter Braun? All about Justin Beiber’s longtime manager amidst split rumors - networth, wiki, biography
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Scooter Braun is an American music executive, entrepreneur, and business magnate, who is also the manager of several high-profile celebrities, including singer Justin Bieber. A recent rumor claimed that Braun and Bieber have parted ways after many years of partnership. The rumor began to come to the surface after Puck News reported that the two hadn’t spoken for a long time.

However, the representatives of both parties have revealed to the news outlet Page Six that the news of their parting is false. Thus, Scooter Braun still remains the manager of Justin Bieber.

Learn all about the well-known music executive and entrepreneur Scooter Braun

Reportedly, the 42-year-old business magnate, entrepreneur, and music executive Scooter Braun is the long-time manager of Justin Bieber. Apart from Bieber, he has also been the manager of several other notable celebrities, including J Balvin, The Kid Laroi, Ariana Grande and Demi Lovato, among others, as per Insider.

Braun is also the founder of Schoolboy Records, SB Projects, and Ithaca Ventures. He has also co-founded TQ Ventures, RBMG Records and Mythos Studios. The man is also the co-owner of 100 Thieves, the popular esports team. He has also become the CEO of HYBE-America, the highly renowned media company that launched the worldwide popular K-pop band BTS.

As reported by Insider, he began his career by organizing after-parties for the Anger Management Tour that featured Eminem and Ludacris. Some of his earlier larger events entailed after-parties on Britney Spears’ Onyx Hotel Tour and parties for the 2003 NBA All-Star Game.

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However, he came into the limelight after he started managing Justin Bieber from the very beginning of his career.

He has also managed other artists, such as Psy, Carly Rae Jepsen, Tori Kelly, Martin Garrix, Black Eyed Peas, Lil Dicky, Kanye West, David Guetta and many more.

Without a shred of doubt, he has strongly established his name in the world of music as a music executive and manager.

As per Page Six, in recent times, Scooter Braun came under the spotlight due to his dispute with Taylor Swift. Reportedly, in June 2019, a huge conflict occurred between Swift and Big Machine Records, her former record label and its founder Scott Borchetta

It also involved the new owner of the record label, Scooter Braun, due to the ownership issue of the masters of the singer’s first six studio albums.

Scooter Braun went on to purchase Big Machine in 2019 and became the owner of Swift’s masters of the first six albums.

In 2020, he sold them to Shamrock Holdings for a total of $405 million under only one condition: he keeps getting profits from the masters, as per Variety Magazine.

Swift went on to disapprove the deal and reject the offer given by Shamrock for an equity partnership and further released the re-recorded albums, including Fearless (Taylor’s Version), Red (Taylor’s Version) and Speak Now (Taylor’s Version) as of now. The re-recorded albums have led her to gain even more success in the world of music, as per Page Six.

Since then, Braun has regretted purchasing the masters of Swift and Big Machine at large. Subsequently, he went on to sell his holding company, Ithaca, to Hybe Corporation.

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Links: Who is Scooter Braun? All about Justin Beiber’s longtime manager amidst split rumors – Tekmonk Bio, Who is Scooter Braun? All about Justin Beiber’s longtime manager amidst split rumors – Kungfutv, Who is Scooter Braun? All about Justin Beiber’s longtime manager amidst split rumors – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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