
Wie is de Mol?-review: Klaas van Kruistum is, almost everyone is suspect

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Klaas van Kruistum 2016 and the Mole, and it looks like so much fun for the new year. The host of this season will be very exciting, in fact almost forever

Klaas van Kruistum 2016 and the Mole, and it looks like so much fun for the new year. The host of this season will be very exciting, in fact, almost everyone is under suspicion.

Warning: This post contains spoilers.

“It’s almost impossible not to know who the Mole is. After my season, and now the creators will still be much more careful. If you use the broadcast to watch and so, and not ten times, looking back, it’s very difficult to bring evidence to them as well. That’s what which is why this season is going to be so much fun, because every time, you’re on the edge of your seat waiting for those who show you the way,” says Van Kruistum.

In the case of enforcement, it took time, Claes Iversen his place in the game, so the game will only get more complicated: there is one that is easy to cross as it is on the Mole. Who is playing a fake game.

“This season, all the participants matched after that. They play everything, they study a bit fake and fanatical. Only Claes continued to be on handing out sneren getting out of danger, and the rest fell to everyone else in this episode and again during lunch, Rob (Dekay, ed.). That is, the black exception to, he had Buddy (Vedder, ed.). That was a lie. Everybody’s playing the game, so you’re one of two ways to try to explain it and that’s it which makes this season very exciting to watch. And it’s nice to see that they’re all there for each other, but it’s still really nice to have.”

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If it’s fair.

“definitely there was more to know, Claes. I had it in the first episodes, it’s still a bit suspicious, but he was constructive in the games. He (ter Braak, ed.) it would also be a compliment to be fair to it. He had I’m right on her as a possible mole. That’s why they have a few episodes back in order where the images of the statues to suddenly rush off is very suspicious. But at the same time, it can’t be that they are very enthusiastic and happy to do so.

What would you say is the best?

“Groupies. What all these people are fanatics, they seem to be playing a game, it will be a birthday party to go to, see. They got along well and don’t be afraid to be honest about what they think. It means that I think that is this season until the last minute, very exciting, it will be: you want to know, you don’t know how to deal with it, the person must be, or how anyone could get in the way.”

Who will post the next episode?

“I think this is a very difficult question to answer. Because, statistically, it would make a lot of sense, as well as a man, because On and Miljuschka (Witzenhausen, ed.) are in the minority. However, I doubt Rob and Nathan (Jan, ed.). really, so that they don’t fall. And Buddy is so good at the game, which doesn’t work. Miljuschka I guess not, but it’s bondje with Buddy and they play the game very strategically, so they don’t leave. And , Leonie, I doubt, still, so there is no one to let you down.” What is de Mol?

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“I’m still on Rob. That is, for me he came when they were assigned to cars in the parking lots it had to be him and he or she. You could just be that oplas, who’s not on that ticket there. If you’re in the molds and if you’re not , because all the people around you, and you seem suspicious to them. No one knew he was doing wrong. And in this episode, when he and Claes , like the last of us, you could see him thinking: you’re young. Check back at autumn, so if you have time to see.”

“But I’m afraid it’s part of my own tunnel vision. Rick from Westelaken and warned us all to be ashamed. So I keep calm, Nathan, and, he suspected, because it’s just so much fun, it would be like for Nathan, he is. Everyone thinks he’s a giant teddy bear, and then he’s smiling like a Mole all the way.”

Updated date: February 16, 2020, 1:00 p.m

Categories: Optical Illusion

Links: Wie is de Mol?-review: Klaas van Kruistum is, almost everyone is suspect – Tekmonk Bio, Wie is de Mol?-review: Klaas van Kruistum is, almost everyone is suspect – Kungfutv, Wie is de Mol?-review: Klaas van Kruistum is, almost everyone is suspect – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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