
Will BCCI change the ICC World Cup 2023 schedule again amidst security concerns in Hyderabad?

Will BCCI change the ICC World Cup 2023 schedule again amidst security concerns in Hyderabad? - networth, wiki, biography
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The Hyderabad Cricket Association (HCA) is expressing concerns about hosting consecutive ODI World Cup matches due to organization and security issues. The HCA is appealing to the BCCI (Board of Control for Cricket in India) to make further alternations to the schedule that has been changed 9 times. 

The plea is coming eleven days after BCCI unveiled the altered schedule and four days before the sale of tickets is set to officially begin.

The schedule announcement faced delays in June, but adjustments were recently made by the BCCI and ICC. Nine matches, including one of the most anticipated matches of the tournament, the India-Pakistan clash, were altered. The India-Pakistan game was moved a day earlier to October 15 in Ahmedabad because of Navratra. 

In Hyderabad, New Zealand will face the Netherlands on October 9 and Pakistan will face off against Sri Lanka on October 10.

Hyderabad Cricket Association

— RVCJ Media (@RVCJ_FB)
August 20, 2023

With the back-to-back World Cup matches, Hyderabad police are questioning security arrangements.

“While changes aren’t confirmed, back-to-back matches are challenging. If BCCI considers changes, it’s positive. We’re working with security agencies to explore options and keeping BCCI informed,” said an anonymous HCA official.

However, BCCI’s Vice-President, Rajiv Shukla said that making changes to the schedule now is unlikely. He emphasized that making significant changes is complex as it involves the decision of many stakeholders.

“I oversee Hyderabad’s World Cup venue. Altering the schedule isn’t simple and involves ICC, teams, and more. It’s unlikely.” 

Out of 45 matches that will take in the World Cup tournament, Hyderabad will host three of them. Here is the schedule of matches being held at Rajiv Gandhi International Cricket Stadium, Uppal, in Hyderabad.

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Netherlands vs Pakistan

06 Oct

Netherlands vs New Zealand

09 Oct

Pakistan vs Sri Lanka

10 Oct

Security concerns are also arising because Pakistan will be playing in two of the matches held at Hyderabad. After over seven years, Pakistan is returning to India for two warm-up and two tournament matches in Hyderabad. The police will likely deploy 2,000 to 2,500 personnel for each match.

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Links: Will BCCI change the ICC World Cup 2023 schedule again amidst security concerns in Hyderabad? – Tekmonk Bio, Will BCCI change the ICC World Cup 2023 schedule again amidst security concerns in Hyderabad? – Kungfutv, Will BCCI change the ICC World Cup 2023 schedule again amidst security concerns in Hyderabad? – Blogtomoney

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