
Wilt Chamberlain Wife, Wiki, Height, Death, Age, Net Worth, Biography, Parents, Career, and More

Wilt Chamberlain Wife, Wiki, Height, Death, Age, Net Worth, Biography, Parents, Career, and More - networth, wiki, biography
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Wilt Chamberlain Wife:- Wilt Chamberlain was an American professional basketball player. He was selected as a territorial in the 1959 NBA draft by the Philadelphia Warriors. He played basketball from 1958 to 1973 as a center. He had been coached from 1973 to 1974. 

In this blog, you can get all the details about Wilt Chamberlain Wife, Wiki, Height, Death, Age, Net Worth, Biography, Parents, Career, and More. 

Wilt Chamberlain Wife, Wiki, Parents

Wilt Chamberlain had been unmarried until his death but he had carnal relations with as many as 20000 women. Neither he had a wife nor a child.

He was born on 21 August 1936 to William Chamberlain (Father) and Olivia Ruth Johnson (Mother) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

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His father used to work as a welder, custodian, and handyman. His mother was a domestic worker and homemaker.

He had 6 siblings named Oliver Chamberlain, Selina Gross, Margaret Lane, Wilbert Chamberlain, Yvonne Chamberlain, and Barbara Lewis.

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His zodiac sign was Leo. His religion is yet to be updated. He completed his high school study at Overbrook High School.

He graduated from Kansas University.

Wilt Chamberlain Career

As a player, he played for Harlem Globetrotters, Philadelphia/San Francisco Warriors, the Philadelphia 76ers, and Los Angeles Lakers.

He had been a coach for San Deigo Conquistadors from 1973 to 1974. 

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He won four times NBA Championships. He was the NBA Finals Most Valuable Player in 1972. He won the title of the NBA Most Valuable Player in 1960, 1966, and 1968.

He was the NBA assist leader in 1968.

Wilt Chamberlain Height, Weight

He was 7 feet 1 inch tall. His weight was 125 kg.

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Wilt Chamberlain Ethnicity, Nationality

His ethnicity was African-American (Black). His nationality was American.

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Wilt Chamberlain Net Worth

He had a net worth of around $10 million at the time of his death.

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Wilt Chamberlain Cause of Death

He passed away due to a cardiac arrest on 12 October 1999 at the age of 63 in Los Angeles, California, U.S.


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Categories: Biography

Links: Wilt Chamberlain Wife, Wiki, Height, Death, Age, Net Worth, Biography, Parents, Career, and More – Tekmonk Bio, Wilt Chamberlain Wife, Wiki, Height, Death, Age, Net Worth, Biography, Parents, Career, and More – Kungfutv, Wilt Chamberlain Wife, Wiki, Height, Death, Age, Net Worth, Biography, Parents, Career, and More – Blogtomoney

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