
Windsurfster De Geus, for the second time world champion in the RS:X class

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Windsurfster Lilian de Geus in the night from Friday to Saturday and the world championship in the RS:X class is taken. The Netherlands did in the semi final of

Windsurfster Lilian de Geus in the night from Friday to Saturday and the world championship in the RS:X class is taken. The Netherlands did in the semi final of the medalrace plenty of margin in relation to the competition.

De Geus was made prior to the final race at the Australian centre of Sorrento was a medal with a fourth place to be assured they are made of gold. In 2018, she was already a world champion, and last year she had to settle for bronze.

The 28-year-old of De Geus made it clear in the slotrace, a couple of small mistakes and wasn’t completely fit, but, to her delight, she managed to concurrentes Charline Picon, from France, and Noy Drihan of Israel to the users.

“I was feeling very tired, especially during the medalrace,” she says. “We have a lot of wind, had it a week and noticed that I now have, but in the end I just was able to keep it up until the end, and I’m fine with the title to the house.”

In the men’s world championship in the RS:X class at Kiran Badloe, and thus, his workout partner, and two-time olympic champion Dorian van Rijsselberghe aftroefde in the battle to take part in the Games. De Geus was on all of Tokyo, japan.

See also the Dutch athletes are in the Olympic Games in Tokyo

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Date Of Update: 29 February 2020, 09:00

Categories: Optical Illusion

Links: Windsurfster De Geus, for the second time world champion in the RS:X class – Tekmonk Bio, Windsurfster De Geus, for the second time world champion in the RS:X class – Kungfutv, Windsurfster De Geus, for the second time world champion in the RS:X class – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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