
Woman claims man tried to scam her for ₹45 lakhs on a matrimonial site

Woman claims man tried to scam her for ₹45 lakhs on a matrimonial site - networth, wiki, biography
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A woman on Reddit recently claimed that a man approached her on a matrimonial site so he could promote his business and find a suitable customer. Since this incident was posted on the story-sharing platform, it has gone viral.

A woman shared how a man approached her on a matrimonial site to promote his business. (Unsplash)

The post was shared by Reddit user ‘ohjugnii’. She begins to explain that she has been on for a while now and has a premium account that allows other premium members on the platform to access her phone number. In her profile, she also mentioned that she wants to move to Canada.

So, when a man approached her and showed interest in her profile, he ‘slyly’ informer her that he is a freelancer for a company that helps people to move to Canada. That’s when the woman realises she might be getting scammed.

“That’s when I realised that he just made the profile to figure out if he look for potential customers for his firm. I wanted to know the extent of what they could be doing,” wrote the Reddit user in the post. (Also Read: She believed she was in a relationship with ‘Stranger Things’ actor. Loses $10,000, divorces husband)

She further added, “He got me in touch with his consultancy firm and the woman there told me he is her junior. About immigration, she said I could just pay 45 lahks and get the additional points for my PR. 45 LAKHS- Itne mei kahi plot he le lu outside of the city (I can get a plot outside the city for this amount.) Nonetheless, I told her I couldn’t afford it and blocked them both. Some people be looking for jobs and packages on the app, some for potential customers.”

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Take a look at the post shared by the user ohjugnii here:

This post was shared three days ago. Since being posted, it has been liked close to 300 times. Many people flocked to the comments section of the post to share their thoughts on this, and a few others shared more about such scams.

Here’s what people are saying about this post:

An individual wrote, “There are a lot of scams going on there. One of them is that a guy who is settled abroad would talk to you and pretend he would be visiting you or sending you gifts, and that guy or those gifts apparently are stuck at immigration and need money to be released. So they would call you asking for money for the same and then block you.”

A second commented, “Scavenging for customers 101.”

“They have no shame, who asks for 45 lahks? Imagine someone actually paying this to these scam artists,” shared a third. (Also Read: Man trolls Instagram scammer, gives him a taste of his own medicine. Watch)

A fourth said, “How can they get points for the PR though via money? Isn’t that decided by Canada?”

A fifth posted, “People look for dates for LinkedIn, jobs on, times are changing.”

What are your thoughts on this? Have you ever faced something like this on a matrimonial site?

Categories: Trending

Links: Woman claims man tried to scam her for ₹45 lakhs on a matrimonial site – Tekmonk Bio, Woman claims man tried to scam her for ₹45 lakhs on a matrimonial site – Kungfutv, Woman claims man tried to scam her for ₹45 lakhs on a matrimonial site – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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