
Woman rescues injured bumblebee, Internet thanks her for her kindness

Woman rescues injured bumblebee, Internet thanks her for her kindness - networth, wiki, biography
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A wholesome video of a woman saving an injured bumblebee has tugged at the heartstrings of many. The video was shared by an Instagram page called Majically. (Also Read: Human offers water to thirsty bird, video wins hearts)

Snapshot of the bumblebee approaching the woman.(Instagram/@Majically)

The video begins by capturing a scene where a bumblebee is seen climbing on a woman’s shoes. This observant woman quickly notices that one of the bee’s wings is damaged , so she decides to look after it. The clip further shows how she built a shelter for the bee, got it flowers, and kept sugar water for it.

The woman also shared that the bee has been with her for three weeks and is getting better.

Watch the video of the woman helping a bumblebee here:

This post was shared two days ago. Since being posted, it has been viewed more than three lakh times. The share has also received more than 35,000 likes. Many even took to the comments section of the post to share their reactions to this video.

Here’s what people are saying about the woman who saved the bee:

An individual wrote, “It makes me so happy when I see this kind of content. Thank you for making the world a better place.” A second commented, “One of the sweetest things ever. Thank you.” “Bless you for helping her live to see another day of beautiful life,” expressed a third. A fourth shared, “I love bumblebees. Thank you for saving her. Every little creature deserves to live.” A fifth posted, “You truly made my day watching what you did for this beautiful bee. The world needs more kindness like you have shown.”

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Categories: Trending

Links: Woman rescues injured bumblebee, Internet thanks her for her kindness – Tekmonk Bio, Woman rescues injured bumblebee, Internet thanks her for her kindness – Kungfutv, Woman rescues injured bumblebee, Internet thanks her for her kindness – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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