
‘X and X’: Elon Musk shares pic of son in front of huge X logo

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Elon Musk shared a picture of his son X Æ A-XII on X. The image shows a toddler standing in front of a giant X logo (formally known as Twitter). The tech billionaire shared the image without any description.

X owner Elon Musk shared a cute picture of his son. (REUTERS)

A picture shared by Elon Musk shows his son, who he affectionately calls Lil X, wearing a white T-shirt with knee-length khaki pants. He is also seen holding a glass in his hand. Lil X looks at the camera while wearing a big smile on his face. He is standing in front of a huge white X logo painted on a black wall.

Check out Elon Musk’s post:

The post was shared a few hours ago. Since it was shared, it has gone viral. So far, it has amassed close to 27.7 million views, and the numbers are growing fast. X’s post also received several likes and comments. Many reacted to the picture and wrote: “Beautiful”.

What did X users say about the announcement of Elon Musk’s son?

“Attitude towards aise dikha rha jaise ‘X’ ishke baap ka hai [Showing so much attitude as if X belongs to his father]”, joked user X. “X and X,” another posted. “Cute,” commented a third. “Sweet X,” wrote a fifth. A few also shared heart emojis to show their reactions.

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Links: ‘X and X’: Elon Musk shares pic of son in front of huge X logo – Tekmonk Bio, ‘X and X’: Elon Musk shares pic of son in front of huge X logo – Kungfutv, ‘X and X’: Elon Musk shares pic of son in front of huge X logo – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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