
Yashraj Mukhate’s ‘love letter’ for Rasmalai in the form of a peppy song

Yashraj Mukhate’s ‘love letter’ for Rasmalai in the form of a peppy song - networth, wiki, biography
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Yashraj Mukhate took to Instagram to share a new music video about Rasmalai. Through the clip, the artist shows his love for the delicious dessert in the most adorable way possible.

The image shows scenes taken from Yashraj Mukhate’s music video about Rasmalai. (Instagram/@yashrajmukhate)

“This song is my love letter for my most favourite dessert, Rasmalai!” he wrote as he posted the video on Instagram. He also thanked those who helped him with his creation.

The video opens to show him carrying an earthen bowl filled with this delicious dessert. As the video progresses, the scene changes to show Mukhate in his Rasmalai dreamland – which is picturised in the form of an animation. The cute animation clubbed with the amazing lyrics, make the song super entertaining.

Take a look at this video by Yashraj Mukhate about Rasmalai:

The video was posted a little over an hour ago. Since being posted, the clip has accumulated over 1.8 lakh views and the numbers are quickly increasing. Additionally, the share has received more than 32,000 likes. People posted varied comments while reacting to the video.

What did Instagram users say about this song by Yashraj Mukhate?

“Zomato wants to know your location,” joked an Instagram user. “Love love it! And the animation is just so so cute,” commented another. “Now this is a song which is literal in everything. Amazingly beautiful composition by Yash,” added a third.

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“This is the cutest thing I have seen in a while and I see doggo videos every day,” expressed a fourth. “Okay, that Rasmalai cloud animation tho,” praised a fifth. “Brooooo, this one is crazyyyy! I mean whaaaa….,” wrote a sixth. A few also reacted to the post using heart emoticons. What are your thoughts on this song by Yashraj Mukhate?

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Categories: Trending

Links: Yashraj Mukhate’s ‘love letter’ for Rasmalai in the form of a peppy song – Tekmonk Bio, Yashraj Mukhate’s ‘love letter’ for Rasmalai in the form of a peppy song – Kungfutv, Yashraj Mukhate’s ‘love letter’ for Rasmalai in the form of a peppy song – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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