
Zidane in the lead-up to the Real City': 'Guardiola is the best coach in the world

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Zinedine Zidane will take it Wednesday night, with Real Madrid, in the eighth finals of the Champions League against Manchester City. The French coach is found

Zinedine Zidane will take it Wednesday night, with Real Madrid, in the eighth finals of the Champions League against Manchester City. The French coach is found for the first time, and his colleague, Josep Guardiola, who he considered to be the best trainer in the world.

“I think that Guardiola is the best coach in the world, and because of that he always has,” said Zidane Tuesday, are forward-looking conference. “First of all, at Barcelona, then Bayern, now in the City. There are a lot of coaches, but I think he’s the best there is.”

now, Mr. has the City in the summer of 2016, and is under his care, and has led the team the past two seasons to the national championship. Previously, he has won including twice in the uefa Champions League with FC Barcelona, and he has three times won the national championship with Bayern Munich. Zidane, however, do not be put off by that title.

“We’re not afraid to go against Guardiola, to play in”, the 47-year-old coach know. “It’s a very, very good team, a team that have their own game to play. There’ll be a good game, compared to as it should be.”

The players, in Real time during the session. (Photo: Pro-Shots).

” These are the games we want to play,’

now, In the media, with an emphasis on the first official encounter between Zidane and Xavi, but the Real coach believes that the match must go on. “The fact is that, Real Madrid against Manchester City, not Mr. at Zidane”, he said.

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“These are the games that people want to see. I don’t know if this will be a classic, but it is, in any event, a great poster,” said Zidane. “These are the games we want to play.”

now, the Real miss Wednesday’s Eden Hazard, who scored at the weekend for a breukje in his single life. The heenwedstrijd between The Royal and the Manchester City centre, in the eighth finals of the Champions League final will begin at 21: 00.

you can See it in the Champions League.

Date Of Update: 25 February 2020, 18:00

Categories: Optical Illusion

Links: Zidane in the lead-up to the Real City': 'Guardiola is the best coach in the world – Tekmonk Bio, Zidane in the lead-up to the Real City': 'Guardiola is the best coach in the world – Kungfutv, Zidane in the lead-up to the Real City': 'Guardiola is the best coach in the world – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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