
14 Best Anime Openings of All Time 2023

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Anime is an extraordinary art form with its unique storytelling and animation style. With its roots tied to early cartoons, anime gained cult status throughout the 70s, exploding in popularity in the 80s and 90s. There’s often a supernatural or mythical element to each anime series, but they differ in terms of visual style and story. At the same time, they share several similarities in terms of animation. They often feature a flawed hero, a fearless heroine, and a monstrous creature. Of course, no anime series is complete without a mind-blowing opening sequence, as the best anime openings demonstrate.

A good opening requires slick graphics and a memorable theme song explaining the series. While opening credits might seem boring to some people, anime fans appreciate the work that goes into creating these exciting openings. These opening credits feature stellar animation combined with classic opening theme songs. In fact, several famous artists from Japan recorded memorable theme songs that elevated their careers. Here is a look at the 14 best anime openings of all time.

14 Best Anime Openings of All Time


1. Demon Slayer

The stunning and gripping anime Demon Slayer uses captivating opening credits to draw in fans masterfully. The series follows Tanjiro Kamado as he trains to be a demon slayer after his sister becomes a monster. The opening credits introduce the tragic hero, storyline, and terrifying villain with fast-paced visuals.

The slow intro switching to an upbeat and fast tempo is the ideal theme for the complex and dark series. Topping the music charts, the famous 2019 hit single “Gurenge” by LiSA was the original opening theme song. 

2. Neon Genesis Evangelion

With an unforgettable theme song and stellar graphics, Neon Genesis Evangelion is a truly addictive series. After the world almost ends, teenager Shinji Ikari pilots the bio-machine Evangelion in a battle with beings known as Angels to prevent another potential world-ending event.

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The opening theme song and credits are as addictive as the series itself. Performed by Yoko Takahashi, “Cruel Angel’s Thesis” pulls in viewers with a catchy tune and a sample of the incredible animation the series offers. It’s not uncommon for viewers to start whistling the theme song before the opening is over. 

3. Cowboy Bebop

Following the lives of a crew of bounty hunters on a spaceship, the critically acclaimed Cowboy Bebop is a beloved anime series. Airing from 1998 to 1999, Cowboy Bebop is famous for its slick animation and brilliant storylines. With its stellar opening credits, the Space Western wastes no time drawing in fans with the jazz-influenced opening “Tank!”

The calming yet upbeat jazz tune sets the stage with the James Bond-style visuals for the enthralling series. The catchy theme song by Seatbelts will get stuck in your head as the visuals dazzle your mind. 

4. Code Geass

Few series compare to the beloved anime Code Geass. Taking place in an alternate timeline, exiled prince Lelouch gains a superpower that allows him to control people. With his devastating superpower, he leads a rebellion against the ruling Holy Britannian Empire. It’s safe to say the series wouldn’t be the same without the first theme song.

The opening graphics feature stunning animation that puts the best of the series on display. Plus, the theme song, “Colors” by Flow has the ideal tempo that’s fun yet dark. It perfectly complements the show, which has similar traits. 

5. One-Punch Man

World-famous superhero Saitama is bored out of his mind as he easily defeats his enemies with one punch. Luckily, the anime series One-Punch Man is anything but boring. The critically acclaimed anime also features a phenomenal opening sequence.

Performed by JAM Project, “The Hero!! Set Fire to the Furious Fist” is the perfect theme song to accompany the opening credits. Undoubtedly, Saitama would have fun dancing to the stunning opening sequence. 

6. Soul Eater

The famous anime Soul Eater’s opening credits are an adrenaline rush from the moment the theme song begins. The series follows three teams competing to collect 99 souls first to be victorious. The engaging series used two opening theme songs during the series run.

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However, the first theme song set the stage for the entire series. Performed by T.M. Revolution, the hit single “Resonance” and stellar opening credits fit like a glove. When the series first debuted, picking “Resonance” was a no-brainer as it matched the mind-blowing animation in the opening credits. 

7. Sword Art Online

In the distant future, Kirito and Asuna meet while playing a virtual reality MMORPG game. Their relationship grows as they both attempt to complete the game. A series as good as Sword Art Online doesn’t have one but several classic theme songs to accompany the opening credits.

However, the original opening theme song, “Crossing Field” by Lisa, is still the series’ most iconic opening. The memorable tune and breathtaking graphics give just a hint of the series. Honorable mention to classic theme songs “Courage,” “Resister,” and “Ignite.” 

8. Samurai Champloo

From the moment Samurai Champloo’s opening theme begins, viewers can’t take their eyes off the screen. The fictionalized historical anime follows a tea waitress, ronin, and an outlaw during the Edo Period in Japan. Despite taking place centuries ago, the series has a distinctive hip-hop and modern feel to it. 

That’s on display in the mesmerizing opening credits featuring “Battlecry” performed by Shing02. It masterfully draws in fans with the catchy tune and stellar animation before unleashing the classic series. 

9. Tokyo Ghoul

The critically acclaimed anime Tokyo Ghoul features flawless opening credits, gripping storylines, and fascinating characters. Set in a world where flesh-eating ghouls live among the people, Ken Kaneki’s life flips upside down after encountering a ghoul, Rize Kamishiro.

Performed by Österreich, the brooding theme music “Munou” compliments the series’ dark and complex storylines. It’ll make the viewer’s hair stand up on the back of their neck with captivating music and visuals. 

10. Death Note

Death Note pulls in the audience instantly with an intense opening sequence, memorable theme song, and quick flashes of the series. With three outstanding opening credits, the first perfectly reflects Light Yagami’s boredom and brutal nature.

The series follows Light as he uses his trusty death notebook to eliminate anyone he deems immoral. The first theme song, “Alumina,” by Nightmare, is a hard-hitting heavy metal beat that perfectly encapsulates the silent insanity slowly growing in Light. 

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11. My Hero Academia

With nine opening theme songs, My Hero Academia makes it tough to pick just one unforgettable opening. Revolving around Izuku Midoriya, the series takes place in a school for kids with superpowers. With a massive fanbase, the series offers compelling storylines, groundbreaking animation, and enthralling opening credits.

However, the opening song, “The Day” by Porno Graffiti is still the series’ most popular. From the second it starts, the headbanging opening theme pumps up fans and prepares them for a heart-pounding episode.

12. Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure

An anime series as brilliant as Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure needs opening credits equally as brilliant. Based on the manga of the same name, each season focuses on the adventures of a different character named “Jojo.” However, no opening theme encapsulates the series like the theme song “Bloody Stream” by Coda.

Originally used as the opening theme for Battle Tendency, the uptempo tune fits perfectly with the off-beat and engaging opening sequence. Honorable mentions go out to “Sono,” “Fighting Gold,” and “Stand Proud.” 

13. Dragon Ball Z

With a giant and loyal fanbase, the groundbreaking anime Dragon Ball Z is a cultural phenomenon that spread across the world. The classic series elevated anime to a higher mainstream level. Since the late 80s, the series has dropped 21 popular soundtracks. With a long list of entertaining opening credits, nothing compares to the first opening.

Featuring Hironobu Kageyama’s “Cha-La Head-Cha-La,” the original opening credits are an iconic piece of anime history. The catchy beat pulls in viewers while the series keeps them glued to the screen.

14. Jujutsu Kaisen

Few anime series compare with Jujutsu Kaisen. The gripping series follows Yuji Itadori as he joins a group of sorcerers to do battle with a Curse known as Ryomen Sukuna. Loyal fans instantly fell in love with the slick anime with cutting-edge animation. Of course, fans still rave about the first classic opening credits that get fans jumping out of their seats.

Jujutsu Kaisen features one of the greatest opening sequences in anime history. Performed by Japanese singer Eve, “Kaikai Kitan,” combined with the brilliant animation, sets the opening credits apart from the rest. 

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

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